About Dr. Anne

Creator and Founder of Haloha Jewelry, Dr. Anne grew up in Southern California spending most of the time either collecting treasures on the beach or coloring outside the box.
Always curious and with an ever present desire to create, she is combining her love of nature, essential oils, designing and health in creating Haloha Jewelry. If you ask her where she feels most at home it is either breathing in the salt and floral air of Hawaii or home in Santa Barbara walking the beach with her dogs and friends, writing and creating.
As a medical doctor she knows that exercising healthy habits can have a profound positive effect on your emotional and physical well-being. She spent 20 years in the field of Physical Medicine utilizing integrative techniques and recognizes the serious impact that stress plays on our health. Fueled by knowledge of how our thoughts, beliefs and habits directly affect us, she strives to educate and show others how to incorporate simple practices that “pay off “ with improved health.
The cornerstone of life is breath, simple oxygen that every cell of our body requires to exist. From the beat of our heart to the energy it takes to smile, oxygen is paramount. When we breathe in and smell a beautiful scent, our limbic system (the emotional center of our brain) is activated. Essential oils enhance our mood directly and can uplift our whole being. Blood pressure and anxiety can be reduced when our stress level is less. With the beautiful Haloha jewelry creations, you can wear a reminder of how important life is with each breath.
Dr. Anne also believes that it is important to share and happily donates 5% of every Haloha jewelry purchase to a variety of non-profit groups.